Nick Ferraro - SOTS TRILOGY Success Story #8
Hi Errol, It is quite difficult to determine the exact pieces of information contained in your books that assisted me in taking my stag. Whilst reading both Volumes, I took thorough notes and revised them so whilst hunting I had a lot of different pieces of information constantly being recalled as I interpreted all that was going on around me and adopted your 'Hunt Smart' System. I think nearly half of the info contained in your books came to mind on the hunt when I took this stag.
Some specific points I recall were:
- To find the area that I would hunt I found (VOL1 P124 Planning a Hunt) very helpful.
- I used (VOL2 P210 Tactics for Wallows) to get an idea of where wallows would be in this particular home range.
- When I started seeing a lot of mature stag sign I recalled (VOL1 P150 Tracking).
- To understand how scent works (VOL2 P160 Hunting by Scent).
- When I placed my shot I used (VOL1 P172 Aiming points); and
- To recover the deer tracking information and (VOL1 P184 After the Shot) came to mind.
I do have a bit of prior hunting experience from hunting Red Deer in Queensland but your specific knowledge of Sambar such as their routines, habitat and sensory system is what helped me the most.
Yours sincerely
Nick Ferraro, Altona Meadows, Victoria
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Errol Mason